

Nexus Graph is organized into 2 components:

  1. A text editor
  2. A Graphing Area that displays a knowledge graph representatin inside the editor

Each component can be swapped with their own implementation.

Nexus Graph's core philosophy is to automating personal knowledge management with the help of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques, spotlighting the insights about what we learned and representing them in a brand-new technology via knowledge graph. On this page, we describe a typcal knowledge management workflow and where Nexus Graph fits in.

The Knowledge Management Workflow

Traditional knowledge management requires a lot of inefficient manual work. Writing up a book reading notes, for example, takes a lot of time which includes reading the book, organizing the note, and making connections about the concepts in the book in reader's own technique. After 6 months, the reader came back only to realize they cannot recall anything but a large corpus of text.

Being productive with personal knowledge management, therefore, can be challenging for several reasons:

  • It's difficult to recall vividly from traditional reading notes. The more detailed the notes are, the more time we need to spend on re-reding the notes after 6 monts.
  • It's difficult to pre-evalutate the knowlege we are learning and consuming. How many times did people picked up a new book and spend couple of hours skiming through it only to find that the book doesn't help them much?
  • There's no standard way to share knowledge among people. You have a fantastic learning, put them down on some media, and send them to your friend, who later ask you: "What the heck is this?"

Moreover, although there are already knowlege-graph based toosl out there, such as RoamResearch and Obsidian, to get the best out of personal knowledge management still requires lots of manual work and their graph visuals are very "preliminary". To summarize, they focus introduct knowledge graph to people in daily lives. Nexus Graph, however, makes people love knowledge graph.

Nexus Graph Components

Nexus Graph provides 2 components to help manage our daily knowledge consumption:

Editor is a traditional input tool for our user, who should find it very similar to the existing online editors we find everywhere

Graphing Arae is an UI for visualizing knowledges, concepts, and connections between them. People can type some ideas in the editor area and a knowledge graph representation of that idea will show immediately there.

Example Use Cases

There are multiple ways people may find Nexus Graph useful, whether you are a student taking class notes or someone working in office trying to analyze and solve some complex problems

Students can use Nexus Graph to visualize the new concepts learnt in class. Nexus Graph can help them better understand the connections between multiple new ideas

People trying to tackle a challenge in daily or work environment can let Nexus Graph collect various information for them, visualize the information using a knowledge graph, and ultimately allowing them to see the problem from different perspective.