A Redux representation of a directed graph link data structure. It has the following stats:

  • The id field is the database primary key
  • The onCanvasId is the natural key which is unique across a graph only. This ID field is generated at client side in GraphBrowser.
  • All displayable node properties are stored in fields, which is a TS Record whose key is the property name and value the property value
  • It also has a source and target field which stores the natural keys of the source and target nodes, respectively

See documentation for more details on Primary Key v.s. Natural Key

interface Link {
    fields: Record<string, string>;
    id?: number;
    onCanvasId: string;
    source: string;
    target: string;


fields: Record<string, string>
id?: number
onCanvasId: string
source: string
target: string

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